Atoms of matter and bits of information flow in the air, like an atmosphere sustaining an intangible pressure.
At a time when human creativity is credited as the dominant—yet destructive—influence on ecosystems of life on Earth,
a new digital reality assembled by hyper-technological and financial instruments becomes less solid.
A system of stratification emerges to transform the landscape.
From the shapes of rivers and mountains to the distribution of minerals, living organisms, and human beings.
It is an operation that extends from the deep soil of the Earth to the farthest voids in outer space.
Metal Vol. 1
Gabriela Acha, Ibon Aranberri, Javier Arbizu, Nora Aurrekoetxea, Jane Bennett, Rosi Braidotti, Judith Butler, Eduardo Fuembuena, Troy Conrad Therrien, Marisa González, Eloy de la Iglesia, Irati Inoriza, Manuel DeLanda, Mattin, Jorge Miñano, Jorge Oteiza, Jussi Parikka, Luciana Parisi, Sadie Plant, Paul B. Preciado, Paco Rabanne, Dámaso Randulfe, Allan Sekula, Gilbert Simondon, Las Vulpes.
Artists and authors offer their views on the ethical and aesthetic significance of metal in contemporary culture. Starting with a journey through the Basque Country (Spain) and its metallurgical tradition, the publication addresses some collective imaginaries of the industrial, technological, and social transition from the last century to nowadays.
Artistas y autoras ofrecen sus puntos de vista sobre la envergadura ética y estética del metal en la cultura contemporánea. Partiendo de un recorrido por el País Vasco y su tradición metalúrgica, la publicación aborda algunos imaginarios colectivos de la transición industrial, tecnológica y social desde el siglo pasado hasta la actualidad.
Publisher: Material Review
Edited by: Gabriala Acha and Jorge Miñano
Languages: English, Basque, Spanish
ISBN: 978-3-948519-01-8
Binding: Softcover, section sewn
Colors: Silver offset (cover), black offset (interior)
Papers: Impact Natural 100% recycled and
C02 neutral, Fedrigoni Symbol Card Highline Embossed
Size: 170 x 240 mm
Weight: 560 gr.
Pages: 264
Material Review is an independent platform for cultural research operating at the intersection of art, design, and theory. We review how information shapes the life of things, by focusing on how objects and materials may organize life, work and experience in the digital era. We also seek for sustainable imaginaries of cultural and technological emergence.
Material Review es una plataforma independiente de investigación cultural que opera en la intersección entre el arte, el diseño y la teoría. Revisamos cómo la información transforma la vida de las cosas, el trabajo y la experiencia en la era digital. También buscamos formas sencillas y sostenibles de emergencia cultural y tecnológica.
Atoms of matter and bits of information flow in the air, like an atmosphere sustaining an intangible pressure.
At a time when human creativity is credited as the dominant—yet destructive—influence on ecosystems of life on Earth,
a new digital reality assembled by hyper-technological and financial instruments becomes less solid.
A system of stratification emerges to transform the landscape.
From the shapes of rivers and mountains to the distribution of minerals, living organisms, and human beings.
It is an operation that extends from the deep soil of the Earth to the farthest voids in outer space.
Metal Vol. 1
Gabriela Acha, Ibon Aranberri, Javier Arbizu, Nora Aurrekoetxea, Jane Bennett, Rosi Braidotti, Judith Butler, Eduardo Fuembuena, Troy Conrad Therrien, Marisa González, Eloy de la Iglesia, Irati Inoriza, Manuel DeLanda, Mattin, Jorge Miñano, Jorge Oteiza, Jussi Parikka, Luciana Parisi, Sadie Plant, Paul B. Preciado, Paco Rabanne, Dámaso Randulfe, Allan Sekula, Gilbert Simondon, Las Vulpes.
Artists and authors offer their views on the ethical and aesthetic significance of metal in contemporary culture. Starting with a journey through the Basque Country (Spain) and its metallurgical tradition, the publication addresses some collective imaginaries of the industrial, technological, and social transition from the last century to nowadays.
Artistas y autoras ofrecen sus puntos de vista sobre la envergadura ética y estética del metal en la cultura contemporánea. Partiendo de un recorrido por el País Vasco y su tradición metalúrgica, la publicación aborda algunos imaginarios colectivos de la transición industrial, tecnológica y social desde el siglo pasado hasta la actualidad.
Publisher: Material Review
Edited by: Gabriala Acha and Jorge Miñano
Languages: English, Basque, Spanish
ISBN: 978-3-948519-01-8
Binding: Softcover, section sewn
Colors: Silver offset (cover), black offset (interior)
Papers: Impact Natural 100% recycled and
C02 neutral, Fedrigoni Symbol Card Highline Embossed
Size: 170 x 240 mm
Weight: 560 gr.
Pages: 264
Material Review is an independent platform for cultural research operating at the intersection of art, design, and theory. We review how information shapes the life of things, by focusing on how objects and materials may organize life, work and experience in the digital era. We also seek for sustainable imaginaries of cultural and technological emergence.
Material Review es una plataforma independiente de investigación cultural que opera en la intersección entre el arte, el diseño y la teoría. Revisamos cómo la información transforma la vida de las cosas, el trabajo y la experiencia en la era digital. También buscamos formas sencillas y sostenibles de emergencia cultural y tecnológica.
© 2019-2024 Material Review
A concrete digital world
Mundo digital concreto