Almstadtstraße 48, 10119, Berlin GERMANY
Pro qm is a specialised art, design and theory bookstore in Berlin-Mitte. The store evolved from the theoretical debates of the founders on urban politics and alternative spaces for cultural production. Becoming, then, a physical location that engages with these issues.
Lindower Strasse 20,
13347 Berlin
a.p. is a multilingual bookstore oriented around art. They carry a carefully edited selection of artists’ books, theory, literature, and poetry, as well as artists’ editions and handmade objects.
Dos de Mayo 2
48003 Bilbao
Bizkaia - SPAIN
Anti is well known for its curated selection of books and publications. It holds a small catalogue in the fields of Art, Literature, Humanities, Design, Self-Publishing and Fanzines.
Euskalduna Kalea 6,
48008 Bilbao
Bizkaia - SPAIN
Camara is a traditional bookstore in Bilbao with a carefully curated selection of books. Committed to independent publishers and indie literature, they are passionate about history and essay, national and foreign press.
Elcano Kalea 27,
48008 Bilbao
Bizkaia - SPAIN
Louise Michel is a bookstore of social and associative initiative, which hosts and organises activities around supporting feminist, fairer societies.
Rda. de Atocha 2,
28012 Madrid
La Central is focused on a selection of Humanities, art books, and catalogues with avant-garde premises. It is part of the expansion of the Reina Sofía Museum.
C. del Postigo de San Martín 8
28013 Madrid
La Central de Callao is a bookstore and a Café located in a House-Palace in the city center, hosting three floors of a curated selection on books in the fields of Humanities and Literature.
C. Luis Hoyos Sainz 2 Interior,
39001 Santander
Cantabria - SPAIN
fluent is a para-institution for contemporary art and research, presenting cycles of consecutive exhibition modules, texts, and live events revolving around thematic axes. It houses a bookshop.
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