Contributors for Material review explore and chronicle the many ways of being material today. The topics covered include a sensibility for the unknown, physical, magical, mental, vital aspects of matter, the mind, and the body.
A review is a thoughtful genre. The ideas presented are not based on opinions. Rather, a review argue its case through the evidence available. We look for inspiring ideas that cover how matter, yet concrete, can be programmed to become virtually everything we can imagine. An specific material, thus can be audible, edible, visible, livable or wearable. To review a Material is to write ideas and stories about music, food, image, life, etc.
The contributions can take the form of interviews, reviews, reports, manifestos, essays, publications and artist portfolios that explore ideas, from humanities to the social sciences, the arts, advances in physics, electricity, neurobiology, engineering, genetics, the chemistry of materials, etc.
We are currently looking for contributors and work. If you’re an author, artist, architect, or designer, and would like to have your project published on Material Review, send us an E-mail with the subject "submission" followed by a description of your work and one image sized at 1800 pixels wide or larger. Images should be sent via Google Drive, Dropbox or through a direct link to the project online. Please note that while not all submissions will be published, we do take the time to look at all of them.
Contributors for Material review explore and chronicle the many ways of being material today. The topics covered include a sensibility for the unknown, physical, magical, mental, vital aspects of matter, the mind, and the body.
A review is a thoughtful genre. The ideas presented are not based on opinions. Rather, a review argue its case through the evidence available. We look for inspiring ideas that cover how matter, yet concrete, can be programmed to become virtually everything we can imagine. An specific material, thus can be audible, edible, visible, livable or wearable. To review a Material is to write ideas and stories about music, food, image, life, etc.
The contributions can take the form of interviews, reviews, reports, manifestos, essays, publications and artist portfolios that explore ideas, from humanities to the social sciences, the arts, advances in physics, electricity, neurobiology, engineering, genetics, the chemistry of materials, etc.
We are currently looking for contributors and work. If you’re an author, artist, architect, or designer, and would like to have your project published on Material Review, send us an E-mail with the subject "submission" followed by a description of your work and one image sized at 1800 pixels wide or larger. Images should be sent via Google Drive, Dropbox or through a direct link to the project online. Please note that while not all submissions will be published, we do take the time to look at all of them.
© 2019-2024 Material Review
A concrete digital world
Mundo digital concreto